Pender Islands Fire Protection Society

BP # 0

The vision of the Pender Islands Fire Protection Society (PIFPS) is to serve and be responsive to the needs of the community through investing in training, education and equipment for our fire fighters and medical responders to save lives and protect property and the environment

Approved by PIFPS BOD Meeting

Effective Date: February 25, 2013


Pender Islands Fire Protection Society

BP # 10



The PIFPS Board recognizes and will take all reasonable steps necessary, within its mandate, to ensure that the fire department service level delivered to the Pender Islands shall be "full service operations" as defined by the BC Structure Firefighters Competency and Training Playbook issued by the Office of the Fire Commissioner of BC, September 2014.


B.C. Structure Firefighters Competency and Training Playbook

Approved by PIFPS BOD Meeting

Effective Date: February 17, 2022


Pender Islands Fire Protection Society

BP # 12



In-camera Meetings

There are times when discussions within the Pender Islands Fire Protection Society meetings must be kept confidential. This means that everything that is discussed, as well as the minutes, is confidential. Such discussions are considered to be “in-camera” meetings. In-camera meetings have a legitimate purpose but their use should be limited. Because in-camera meetings restrict the normal information reported to the membership, their use should be limited to those occasions when they are absolutely necessary.

Factors Supporting In-camera Meetings

In-camera meetings should be considered where the following subject matter is to be discussed (the following list is not intended to be an exhaustive list, and other factors may be considered):

  • Personnel and employment matters
  • Sensitive business matters, including matters subject to confidentiality agreements with third parties
  • Employee performance, compensation and employment status
  • Litigation or potential litigation
  • Receiving of advice that is subject to privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose

Minutes of In-camera Meetings

Decisions made in an in-camera meeting (including any in-camera discussion within a broader meeting) and, when appropriate, the factors considered in determining to hold a discussion in camera, shall be recorded in separate minutes. The recording secretary should be part of the in-camera meeting to keep the minutes unless the circumstances require that he/she also be absent. In his/her absence, the president is responsible for ensuring that an appropriate record of the discussion is kept.

Minutes of an in-camera meeting should be distributed to those who participated in the meeting and after their approval should be kept confidential and separately along with any materials considered as part of the in-camera meeting. The Society secretary shall keep or cause to be kept a record of in-camera minutes.

Any access to in-camera minutes is limited to the participants of the in-camera meeting, anyone with a right to be present and any other future Society board members.


Approved by PIFPS BOD Meeting

Effective Date: August 31, 2016

Pender Islands Fire Protection Society

BP # 14



The Governance Committee will be responsible for guiding the nomination and election process.

Board member recruitment, nomination and election will be managed through a transparent process that is communicated in a timely manner to both PIFPS members and the community.

All potential board members will have an opportunity to learn about the board’s role and responsibility through an orientation.


  • Directors will search throughout the year for potential directors by identifying individuals in the community with the skills, interests and background to contribute to the board including current members who may seek re-election.
  • The names of potential directors, along with information about their skills and experience, will be shared with the board.
  • During the 3 months preceding an Annual General Meeting, the GC will determine the number of anticipated vacancies as well as identify the desired skill-set needs to fill those vacancies, considering diversity and the skills/experience/knowledge of members who will or may be leaving, and the anticipated future goals of the board.
  • Information about the board and the Annual General Meeting and Director elections will be made known throughout the PIFR and the Pender Islands’ community through the use of appropriate print and social media.
  • Interested individuals from the community/PIFPS members will be encouraged to contact the President for more information
  • At least one month prior to the AGM, the President, the Fire Chief and, if available, one or two current Directors will conduct an orientation session for potential and, if applicable, returning Directors.
  • Following the orientation, and not less that 3 weeks prior to the AGM persons wishing to stand as candidates for director positions shall advise the President of their intention and submit a 150-250 word bio. Bios will include information about residency, relevant experience, and skills.
  • As required by the PIFPS Bylaws, no later than two weeks prior to the AGM, the President will circulate to the PIFPS membership the official notice of the AGM. This notice will include the agenda, the bios of all candidates for Director positions, information about the election including the number of vacancies, voting procedures and a reminder that nominations from the floor are not permitted.


  • An AGM must be held in person and in accordance with the process set out below except when an in-person meeting would be impermissible or impractical due to a public health crisis or other unforeseen circumstances. In those situations, the Board may declare that an alternate form of AGM is required and, with input from the Governance Committee, shall develop an AGM plan and an election procedure suitable to the particular circumstances.
  • Election of board members is completed each year as part of the Annual General Meeting. Candidates are elected by the members of the Society who are present at the AGM. The election will normally take place as the final item on the agenda.
  • All candidates will be given an opportunity to address the AGM for a brief (two-minute maximum) self-introduction. Names of candidates will either be printed on the agenda or posted at the AGM for everyone to see.
  • Nominations will not be accepted from the floor.


  • If there are the same number of nominees as vacancies, the President shall call for a motion from a PIFPS member from the floor to approve all nominees, by acclamation. The motion must be seconded by another PIFPS member.

In Person Voting:

  • If there are more nominees than vacancies, then a balloting process will take place.
  • Prior to the balloting process, there shall be an opportunity for discussion.
  • Two members of the board, plus one non-board member in attendance who volunteers (not including any candidates), will be identified to count the ballots.
  • Each member present, including candidates, will receive a ballot slip identifying the number of vacancies, the names of the candidates and instructions for voting. Voting will be by placing a tick mark or X on the ballot slip adjacent to the name of the candidate(s) the member wishes to vote for, up to the maximum number of vacancies
  • The ballots will be collected and counted. Results will be announced: The nominees with the highest number of votes will be elected to fill the vacant positions.


Approved by PIFPS BOD Meeting

Effective Date: February 17, 2022

Pender Islands Fire Protection Society

BP # 15


A director shall:

  • embrace the purposes of the Pender Islands Fire Protection Society;
  • remain responsible to the organization as a whole, not a specific agenda or constituency;
  • participate actively and in a disciplined manner in board and committee meetings, and in training or other work sessions as scheduled, including pre-reading all materials distributed in advance;
  • publicly support decisions of the board, whether or not the director voted in favour of the decision;
  • be aware of conflicts of interest — actual, potential or perceived — between their private interests and their public duties, and declare any emerging conflicts in advance of related deliberations of the Board, so as to recuse in a timely manner;
  • maintain confidentiality of board business;
  • communicate honestly, listen actively, remain positive;
  • take responsibility for ensuring board policies and protocols are followed;
  • maintain a mutually respectful, trusting and supportive relationship with other board members and the Fire Chief;
  • follow board guidelines for addressing concerns from stakeholders;
  • act as a public advocate for the leadership, staff and volunteers of the fire department; and
  • maintain focus on the legitimate roles of the board.


Approved by PIFPS BOD Meeting

Effective Date: March 17, 2022

Pender Islands Fire Protection Society

BP # 16


Directors of the PIFPS are accountable to the Society as well as the community. Directors are expected to carry out their duties in a manner that inspires and ensures the confidence of staff, volunteers, and the broader community.


Directors are fiduciaries and owe a duty of loyalty to the Society. They must always act in the best interests of the Society and exercise the utmost good faith in all dealings with and for the Society and its property. In particular, they must avoid situations in which their duty to the Society conflicts with their personal, work or business interests (including their involvement in other organizations) or with the personal, work or business interests of their family members or friends who stand to benefit from transactions entered into by the Society. The BC Societies Act (“Act”) contains conflict of interest rules which apply to directors who have a “direct or indirect material interest” in a contract, transaction or a proposed contract or transaction of the Society or a direct or material interest in a matter that is or is to be considered by the Society “if that interest could result in the creation of a duty or interest that materially conflicts with a director’s duty or interest as a director of the Society.” A material interest is one which is substantial to the director as opposed to an interest which is trivial or insignificant. A material interest can involve either a pecuniary or a non-pecuniary interest.

Disclosure Required

The Act requires that when a conflict of interest arises, the conflicted director must:

  • disclose fully and promptly to the other directors the nature and extent of the interest;
  • abstain from voting on a director’s motion or a consent resolution concerning the matter;
  • leave the meeting when the matter is discussed unless asked by the other directors to remain to provide information;
  • refrain from any action intended to influence the discussion or vote on the matter.

Evidence of Disclosure

The Act requires that the disclosure of a conflict of interest be evidenced either in the minutes of a directors meeting, a consent resolution of directors or a written communication from the conflicted director addressed to the directors and delivered to the delivery address or sent by registered mail to the registered offices of the Society.

Consequences of Non-Disclosure

The existence of a conflict of interest does not necessarily void a contract or transaction entered into by the Society but, unless certain exceptions specified in the Act apply, the director having a conflict will be required to pay the Society an amount equal to any profit made by the director as a result of the Society entering into or performing the contract or transaction.

Identifying Conflicts of Interest

It is incumbent upon directors to disclose any conflicts of interest they may have. However, occasions may arise where a director is of the view that another director has a conflict of interest which has not been disclosed. If that occurs, the matter should be raised and discussed at a directors’ meeting. If necessary, a vote will be conducted to resolve the matter.

Potential Conflicts of Interest

All directors must be mindful of situations which may not amount to conflicts of interest but which could lead to a conflict or be perceived as such. When in doubt about such situations, the potential conflict should be disclosed. Directors receiving any form of remuneration or specific benefit (apart from benefits provided to all residents of the Pender Islands) from the Society or Pender Islands Fire Rescue or, who are involved in a reporting relationship with the Chief, need to be particularly aware of potential conflicts and must recuse themselves from Society proceedings involving personnel matters if they have a direct and material interest in the particular matter being considered and that interest conflicts with a director's duty or interest as a director of the Society.


Approved by PIFPS BOD Meeting

Effective Date: March 17, 2022

Pender Islands Fire Protection Society

BP # 17


Upon election or re-election a director shall sign the following covenant:

I confirm I have read and understand the documents listed below:

  • Constitution and Bylaws of Pender Islands Fire Protection Society;
  • CRD & PIFPS AGREEMENT 2021-2026.pdf;
  • All PIFPS Board Policies, including
  • BP #15 PIFPS Director’s Code of Conduct Policy; and
  • BP #16 PIFPS Director’s Conflict of Interest Policy.

In my role as a Director of Pender Islands Fire Protection Society, I agree to abide by both the letter and the spirit of all of the above provisions and regulations.

I will fully disclose any conflicts of interest, or potential conflicts of interest that could affect my ability to fulfill my duties as a director of PIFPS.

Signed: ____________________________

Date: ______________________________

Witness: ___________________________


Approved by PIFPS BOD Meeting

Effective Date: March 17, 2022

Pender Islands Fire Protection Society

BP # 18


Annual Membership in Pender Islands Fire Protection Society shall run from January 1st to December 31st of the year in which it is paid.


Approved by PIFPS BOD Meeting

Effective Date: June 16, 2022


Pender Islands Fire Protection Society

BP # 6



No alcohol shall be consumed or distributed to persons on CRD property or at Pender Island Fire Rescue functions unless the event is sanctioned by the fire chief or designate and all alcohol at the event managed in conformance with CRD and PIFR guidelines for functions where alcohol is served.


PIFR Operational Policy #5

PIFR OG 5-01-01

CRD Policy – Alcoholic Beverages

Approved by PIFPS BOD Meeting

Effective Date: February 25, 2013


Pender Islands Fire Protection Society

BP # 7



The Pender Islands Fire Protection Society is committed to a harassment and bullying-free workplace.


PIFR Operational Policy #21

Approved by PIFPS BOD Meeting

Effective Date: September 22, 2014


Pender Islands Fire Protection Society

BP # 9



All purchases or engagements for goods and services requiring the expenditure of funds held by the PIFPS (PIFR) or CRD shall be made in accordance with Part 7, Sections 47 and Section 50 of the PIFPS Bylaws. Capital expenditures must be made in accordance with the PIFPS - Capital Purchasing Matrix - (Revised, Schedule F - CRD Agreement 2021). All payments including cheques or electronic transfers shall be signed or initialed by a minimum of two signing officers authorized by the board of directors. Whenever possible at least one of the authorized signing officers shall be a PIFPS Board signing officer. The Fire Chief or designate shall, at the earliest opportunity, notify the treasurer or board chair of any extraordinary or unexpected costs.


In circumstances when a Board signing officer is not readily available, and payment for goods or services is time-sensitive, the two authorized signing officers on staff may issue payment for invoices pertaining to the business or operations of PIFR or the PIFPS. In all such cases the method of payment and invoice shall be presented to a PIFPS Board signing officer for review and approval at the earliest opportunity.


PIFPS Bylaws, Part 7, Sections 47 and 50.

PIFPS - Capital Purchasing Matrix - (Revised, Schedule F - CRD Agreement 2021

Approved by PIFPS BOD Meeting

Effective Date: January 18, 2022

Pender Island Fire Rescue

4423 Bedwell Harbour Road
Pender Island, BC V0N 2M1

Phone: 250-629-3321

© Pender Island Fire Rescue 2024
Website design, programming and home page photo by Sergei Petrov

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