with exception of Outdoor Wood Burning Appliances
All High risk activity must cease

Burn Restrictions



WHEN THE FIRE RISK IN THE GULF ISLANDS IS EXTREME all outdoor burning is not allowed

All high risk activity must cease when decided by the Fire Chief

In EXTREME you must check this website or call the Fire Department for up to date conditions everytime before undertaking high risk activity

In EXTREME fire risk conditions fires will start very easily and spread very quickly. During these conditions it is simply too risky to take unnecessary chances.

Residential Yard and Home Maintenance
Please do work & chores before 1 p.m.

When the fire risk is at EXTREME activities that require the use of gas powered equipment should be completed before 1 p.m. each day. If you need to work with these tools use them in the mornings when the relative humidity and fuel moisture is highest and temperatures are cooler. You should stay on site and watch the area for smoke for two hours after you finish your work. Use of a gas powered Chain Saw is excluded from Residential and Home Maintenance work and should cease during EXTREME Fire Conditions.

Please contact the Fire Hall if you have any further questions.



All high risk activity must cease after 1 p.m. when decided by the Fire Chief

In HIGH you must check this website or call the Fire Department for up to date conditions everytime before undertaking high risk activity

Residential Yard and Home Maintenance
Please do work & chores before 1 p.m.

When the fire risk is HIGH activities that require the use of gas powered equipment should be completed before 1 p.m. each day. If you need to work with these tools use them in the mornings when the relative humidity and fuel moisture is highest and temperatures are cooler. You should stay on site and watch the area for smoke for two hours after you finish your work.

The reason for 1 p.m. is simple: If a fire does start there is a much higher chance that it can be contained before dark if it is reported early in the day.



All outdoor activities must be conducted with caution.

After three consecutive days of "Moderate" fire threat, maintain a fire watcher after work for a minimum of one hour. Continue this until after the fire danger threat falls to "Low".



  • Normal working conditions.

Pender Island Fire Rescue

4423 Bedwell Harbour Road
Pender Island, BC V0N 2M1

Phone: 250-629-3321

© Pender Island Fire Rescue 2024
Website design, programming and home page photo by Sergei Petrov

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